It's sushi, goddammit …

Great to be in the Weekend magazine, to be sure, but it is a tight little spot, and possibly a few readers had to get the microscope out on this one. It got me rooting about in the archive, too, because there's a relative of this one from way back when we started …

Which, come to think of it, reminds me of this …

Cartoon safari! PW

Responsibly sauced

Now someone on the Twitter-thing clearly wasn't happy with this: "Poor show!" they twet. For the avoidance of any doubt, we weren't trying to poke fun at the prehistoric innuendo of the saucy seaside postcard by recasting it with a Guardian-reading man becoming excited by a baker's catering to those with a gluten intolerance, thereby completely overlooking an obvious opportunity for smut. We just wanted to draw something that looked a bit like boobs PW

Caricatura VI

A belated but big thank you to all at the Caricatura exhibition in Kassel for choosing our work, inviting us out to Germany and regaling us with sausage meats. That's Joe on the right, indulging in some kind of 3D shenanigans, with Halldór Baldursson, one of a fine pair of Icelandic cartoonists who became our allies in all things booze. If you're attending Docuementa and have got through the 400 paintings of apples it seems to be sporting, Caricatura will be a refreshing detour, with comic art in a lot of different flavours. Here's a link to one of our favourites: Gummbah PW